The Internet is rapidly becoming the first place to search for scientific papers. But the number of places gathering ressources becomes really high. Here is a list of web sites with free access. These are places where you can find some stuff about metaheuristics, I have not include all the available databases (nor journals web pages), despite the fact that metaheuristics are often apply to a wide range of fields.

  • Online collective bibliography managers are really usefull for picking references when surfing on journal sites, they permits to automatically gather the reference's informations, tag them, share your list with others and export it in your local reference manager.
  • digital libraries or paper databases:
    • CiteSeer, search for citations and papers, show citations inside each papers, permits corrections on items, really interesting for computer science.
    • ScienceDirect, database, require registration, make available a watchlist based on email alerts.
    • arXiv, an e-print service, well formated ressources, RSS syndication.
    • Springer Links, books & papers database, RSS syndication, watchlist for registered users.
    • ACM portal, digital library, no syndication or free watchlist for registered users.
    • IEEE Xplore, database, no syndication, no watchlist, email alerts at field level only.
    • The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies, database, RSS syndication.
    • PubMed, database, emails alerts for registered users.
    • Backwell Synergy, database, RSS/Atom syndication, email alerts.
    • Optimization Online, e-print about optimization, monthly email alerts.
    • Scitation, database, no syndication, no free email alerts.
    • Wiley InterScience, database, no syndication, emails alerts for registerd users.
  • generalistic search-engines: